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ACHE rock band CDs ACHE rock band CDs
Acoustic Guitar<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Instrumental Guitar Music<BR>&nbsp; Acoustic Guitar
     Instrumental Guitar Music
ANDERS ROLAND, korværk:<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Herren er min hyrde", SSA<BR>&nbsp; ANDERS ROLAND, korværk:
    "Herren er min hyrde", SSA
Bogen om Vin og Musik<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;af JENS RØMER (m/ 2 CDer)<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;UDSOLGT/Sold Out<BR><BR> Bogen om Vin og Musik
    af JENS RØMER (m/ 2 CDer)
    UDSOLGT/Sold Out

Danske Sange & Viser Danske Sange & Viser
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDs with Anders Roland<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    CDs with Anders Roland
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guitar/TAB music books<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    Guitar/TAB music books
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Acoustic Guitar 1"<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
    "Acoustic Guitar 1"
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Acoustic Guitar 2"<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
    "Acoustic Guitar 2"
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Acoustic Guitar 3"<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
    "Acoustic Guitar 3"
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Music From North Sealand"<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
    "Music From North Sealand"
FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Video of the Month 2014"<BR>&nbsp; FINN OLAFSSON
    PDF sheet music/TAB
    "Video of the Month 2014"
Folk Music<BR>&nbsp; Folk Music
IdaLO CDer<BR>&nbsp; IdaLO CDer
IdaLO<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"En samling sånger"<BR>&nbsp; IdaLO
     PDF sheet music/TAB
     "En samling sånger"
Instrumental Music<BR>&nbsp; Instrumental Music
JAKOB VEJSLEV - Noder til<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;117 &amp; 85 Danske Sange:<BR>&nbsp; JAKOB VEJSLEV - Noder til
    117 & 85 Danske Sange:
JAKOB VEJSLEV<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"The Rest is Silence" CD<BR>&nbsp; JAKOB VEJSLEV
     "The Rest is Silence" CD
JAKOB VEJSLEV<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Jazz Musik on CD<BR>&nbsp; JAKOB VEJSLEV
    Jazz Musik on CD
KASPER SØEBORG<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;CDs & Vinyl<BR>&nbsp; KASPER SØEBORG
    CDs & Vinyl
KASPER SØEBORG<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Guitar TAB music books<BR>&nbsp; KASPER SØEBORG
    Guitar TAB music books
KASPER SØEBORG<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;PDF sheet music/TAB<BR>&nbsp; KASPER SØEBORG
    PDF sheet music/TAB
KIM LARSEN: "Om Lidt"<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;5 kirkeorgelarrangementer<BR>&nbsp; KIM LARSEN: "Om Lidt"
    5 kirkeorgelarrangementer
Printed Music/Nodebøger<BR>&nbsp; Printed Music/Nodebøger
Rock & Pop Music<BR>&nbsp; Rock & Pop Music
Rockmagasinet Blackmoon<BR>&nbsp; Rockmagasinet Blackmoon
TOM FREDERIKSEN<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;FINN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&amp; TORSTEN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Katten &amp; 4 andre sange"<BR>&nbsp; TOM FREDERIKSEN
     "Katten & 4 andre sange"
TONY VEJSLEV - Noder til<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"50 Danske Viser & Sange"<BR> &nbsp; TONY VEJSLEV - Noder til
     "50 Danske Viser & Sange"
TONY VEJSLEV<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sheet music for<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"Old Poems - New Songs"<BR> &nbsp; TONY VEJSLEV
     Sheet music for
     "Old Poems - New Songs"
TONY VEJSLEV<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sange for kor<BR>&nbsp; TONY VEJSLEV
    Sange for kor
TONY VEJSLEV<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Sangnoder, CD & DVD<BR>&nbsp; TONY VEJSLEV
    Sangnoder, CD & DVD
TORSTEN OLAFSSON<BR>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Shakuhachi<BR>&nbsp; TORSTEN OLAFSSON
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The following terms and conditions apply to all deliveries from Olafssongs Music Publishers, Denmark.

Conditions apply in cases where there exist no other written agreements between you as buyer and Olafssongs Music Publishers.

Delivery and transport:

Delivery of goods from Olafssongs Music Publishers is considered done when the consumer has received the goods.

The shipment of physical goods is made with Post Denmark.

Handling & expected delivery time: 3-10 days depending on the destination.

The standard shipment fee is DKK 25.00.

Sheet music / TABS PDF files can be downloaded immediately following upon successful online payment.

Each single PDF file can be downloaded no more than 5 times during a 5 day period after the purchase.

The risk regarding the goods:

The risk regarding physical goods purchased from Olafssongs Music Publishers is transferred to you as a consumer at the time of delivery and receipt.


Any errors or shortcomings in the supply from Olafssongs Music Publishers must be addressed within a reasonable time after you have discovered the error or defect.

In this case it is your duty to describe and upon request show how the error manifests itself.

If you find an error, you must quickly contact Olafssongs Music Publishers.

Price and payment:

In this web shop you can order your products online and pay with these payment/credit cards:
Accepted payment/credit cards

All prices in Olafssongs Music Publishers’ web shop - on the web address http://www.shop.olafssongs.dk - include obligatory VAT.


Olafssongs Music Publishers offer a 14 day return period, valid from the day you receive your goods.

You are required to return the item in the same condition and quantity as it is received.

You will bear the costs associated with returning the product.

Kind regards

Olafssongs Music Publishers

Paarupvej 44 – DK-3230 Graested – Denmark

Phone +45 48 39 22 59

Cell phone: +45 29 26 34 59

Email: ol@olafssongs.dk

Website: www.olafssongs.dk

Web shop: www.shop.olafssongs.dk


Nedenstående salgs- og leveringsbetingelser gælder for alle leverancer fra Musikforlaget Olafssongs, Danmark.

Betingelserne gælder i det tilfælde, hvor der ikke er indgået andre skriftlige aftaler mellem dig som køber og Musikforlaget Olafssongs.

Leveringstidspunkt og transport:

Levering af varer fra Musikforlaget Olafssongs anses for sket, når kunden har fået varen udleveret.

Forsendelsen af fysiske varer sker med Post Danmark.

Leveringstid: 3-5 dage.

Standard pris for forsendelse: DKK 25.00.

Sheet music / TABS PDF filer kan downloades umiddelbart efter, at online betalingen er gennemført.

Den enkelte PDF fil kan downloades højst 5 gange inden for en 5 dages periode.

Risikoen for varerne:

Risikoen for fysiske varer købt af Musikforlaget Olafssongs overgår til dig som forbruger på leveringstidspunktet.


Eventuelle fejl eller mangler ved levering fra Musikforlaget Olafssongs skal påberåbes i rimelig tid efter, at du har opdaget fejlen.

Det en din pligt i dette tilfælde at angive og på forlangende vise, hvordan fejlen eller manglen ytrer sig.

Hvis du opdager en fejl, skal du hurtigt rette henvendelse til Musikforlaget Olafssongs.

Pris og betaling:

I denne webbutik kan du bestille dine varer online og betale med disse kredit-/betalingskort:
Accepted payment/credit cards

Alle priser i Musikforlaget Olafssongs’ web shop - på web-adressen http://www.shop.olafssongs.dk - er inkl. moms.


Musikforlaget Olafssongs yder 14 dages fortrydelsesret, gældende fra den dag du modtager dine varer.

Du har pligt til at returnere varen i væsentligt samme stand og mængde, som den er modtaget.

Du skal selv afholde de omkostninger, der er forbundet med at returnere varen.

Med venlige hilsner

Olafssongs Music Publishers

Pårupvej 44 – DK-3230 Græsted – Denmark

Phone +45 48 39 22 59

Cell phone: +45 29 26 34 59

Email: ol@olafssongs.dk

Website: www.olafssongs.dk

Web shop: www.shop.olafssongs.dk
MUSIKFORLAGET OLAFSSONGS - PÅRUPVEJ 44 - DK-3230 GRÆSTED - DANMARK - TEL: +45 48 39 22 59 - Cell: (+45) 29 26 34 59 - E-MAIL: OL@OLAFSSONGS.DK